Seasons greetings and a happy, healthy and successful 2011 to everyone.
We are having a wonderful time at home in Invermere with family and friends with swimming, skating, x-country skiing, downhill skiing and paragliding at Panorama.
Christmas day Penny and I flew down to the day-lodge. Penny was dressed up as an elf (more like a present with lots of loose green and red tissue wrapper) and me as Santa.
What a great day to fly as Santa and as an elf and then go skiing after with the kids.
We are now in full swing with our training and will slowly work to our peak by mid June.
As most of you know, my better half and supporter, Penny Powers (she does not just sound powerful, she lives up to her name) has worked out and written an x-alps training program for me.
The goal is to be able to do 4-5 hour hikes with full gear for 4 days in a row without getting tired during and after the hikes.
Besides hiking and flying, I have a weekly schedule to train on the Lakeview Meadows stairs, at our rec-center to swim, and in the gym to work on core strength.
Right now the lake is frozen which also gives me the opportunity to Nordic ski at least 3 times a week in the evenings.
I am very lucky to be able to do all this training right from our house. As I work from the house, it allows me to work 8-10 hours a day and still have fun with my young family.
The video shows a couple hikes with toboggan rides and flying over the ice.
The new owners of Panorama Mt. Resort are welcoming the Paragliding pilots for the 20010/11 season. This is now our 14th's season up there and we are getting again a special deal for pilots (if it is flyable).
Check out the guidelines at our Panorama page and get your wings and skis ready.
We are also planning to do some Santa flying over Christmas.
Anyone interested?
At our last trip to the Dolomite's, we had the chance to try the new Nova Mentor2 and this wing is just outstanding. I think most of you know that the Mentor 2 was at least the same or better performing then the Omega 8 from Advance in a bet between Tom Payne and Hannes Papesch.
This is absolutely amazing to have a 1-2 wing with a smaller aspect ratio and such a performance .
We also met with Nova at the Team meet and we talked about Nova sales in Canada. There are only 2 dealers, one on Vancouver Island and one in Ontario but no one in the Rockies.
Well we changed this now.
If you have any interest in a Nova wing, send me an e-mail to